Mik and Wewa Add 600+ Free VTT Battlemaps On Patreon

Free VTT Battlemaps - Mikwewa - Geek Supply Ninja

Tons of Free VTT Battlemaps

Last week, Patreon users Mik and Wewa (under the shared username Mikwewa) shared a post on Patreon offering 600+ free VTT battlemaps on Patreon. The offer also came with a pretty compelling story about their struggles through COVID and their journey creating the maps.

With this kind of stuff, you never really know what you’re going to get, you know what I mean? But in browsing the maps, I can honestly say I’m not disappointed. Several of them are repeats – different ambiance of the same map, for example – but that just gives your GM an opportunity to modify the story along the way.

Overall, this is a pretty quality set of maps for you to use in your own VTT game.

COVID and the Surge in VTT Gaming

Not surprisingly, the pandemic has caused a surge in Virtual Table Top (VTT) gaming. VTT is ideal for things like Dungeons and Dragons and Pathfinder where the visuals complement the verbal story. I used to play D&D around the table with my buddies every other Friday night until COVID shut the world down. Well, I also moved halfway across the country, but that sort of happened at the same time.

Anyway, now we play weekly on a Foundry setup that I installed on my web server. These free VTT battlemaps are a great addition to the resources our GM needs to run our campaign.

Hats off to both Mik and Wewa for giving back to the community. It’s this kind of love of the culture of table top gaming that keeps me going. Well, that and my former-bouncer hobbit barbarian that hates birds with a passion that runs as deep as the river Styx.

If you’re like me and you haven’t yet contributed to someone on Patreon, maybe we should seriously think about it. I know I’ll be looking at what it takes to donate. After all, our small contributions can be the lifeblood that keep these good people going and allow them to give back with their awesome skills.

Geek on.

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